In this article, Event Planner Spain would like to address a topic that has been raised on several occasions by users who are organising their event and who are faced with their first big question: "where will we stay?
In our accommodation section we have the best and most varied selection of establishments that can host any group or event with the greatest guarantees.
The range of accommodation on offer is constantly expanding, so much so that, for example, we have recently decided to create a new subcategory called singular accommodation to accommodate this type of new company that has gone further in offering its hospitality on its premises in an original and unusual way compared to more traditional accommodation.
However, it is still the 4 and 5 star hotels that take the lead when it comes to receiving the vast majority of requests through our portal. And it is precisely here that an increasingly recurring question arises from the event organiser: "4 or 5 stars?
Let's start by clarifying that the concepts of each category are by no means homogeneous depending on the countries and depend on several factors. For example, until relatively recently, in France, 4 stars were the highest rank for a luxury hotel, making it impossible to compare establishments in Spain and France.
In Spain, it is the Autonomous Communities who are responsible for defining the criteria when it comes to rating a hotel with a certain number of stars. These criteria are based above all on the size of the rooms and bathrooms, and the facilities and services in them. In addition, there are general technical requirements which are independent of the number of stars, such as fire protection and soundproofing of all facilities and the fact that maximum prices for services must be displayed at the reception desk in a visible place. The hotel must also display a standardised plaque at the main entrance with the category.
It could be thought that the key to getting it right would be directly related to the budget available. It would seem obvious to deduce that someone with a high budget would have to opt for the greater luxury and comfort that the 5 star hotel theoretically offers, and someone with a more limited budget would have to opt for the 4 star hotel. But it does not always have to be this way.
For us, the main keys to choosing between these two options are:
- The time to be "invested" in the hotel and the "quality" of that time. Logically, the more time we spend in the hotel establishment, the more we should consider the quality of it, while if the majority of the event is going to take place outside it, the quality of a Spanish 4 star should be more than sufficient.
- The nature of the event: if we are organising an event with clients, we should be more oriented towards the 5 stars, while if we are holding a meeting of employees or collaborators, we can always save some money by going to one of ****. Let's look at what's really important at each event when it comes to assessing the hotel's rank.
- The importance of the gastronomic factor: perhaps this part is one of the great differentiators between both types of hotel, since if what we are looking for is quality and to be more confident in a lunch, a cocktail or a dinner, the investment in the 5-E should be the most appropriate decision.
- The "who do I know" factor: if you have a contact in the hotel that you can trust, especially if he or she is the General Manager or Event Coordinator, base your choice on that when it comes to where to go. That human factor is usually going to be key to ensuring success, regardless of the number of stars.
- The location: depending on the type of event, where the hotel is located and what it costs to get there will be more important than the official category of the event.
- Your negotiation skills and the time of year: if you are able to negotiate a good deal with a 5-star hotel either because it suits your type of event perfectly or because it falls in the low season, don't think twice about it. You're sure to get a good deal that you shouldn't miss out on.
- The image issue: if "what they say" has any importance in your event, opt for a five-star, because it will help you maintain a high position for future calls. Let's not forget the deontological codes of some industries that limit the fact of going to luxury hotels.
In short, even if you have a high budget, this does not prevent you from going to a 4-star hotel, which in Spain enjoys great health in terms of quality and quantity of services, especially compared to other countries in our area. And on the other hand, sometimes it can be totally worth the extra investment in a higher class of accommodation than the one originally planned, both in terms of image towards the guests and in terms of quality guarantee.
However, in Spain the difference in quality between many 4 stars and 5 stars is not significant and our hotel sector meets the highest quality guarantees.
As a last piece of advice, make a previous inspection visit whenever you can and you can always rely on local specialist agencies, and above all on the so-called DMC, agencies that will always help you get the best out of your event (for more information on this: https://www.eventplannerspain.com/en/blog/pros-and-cons-using-dmc-your-event-spain)
In any case, at Event Planner Spain we love both the 4 and 5 stars, each with its own characteristics and peculiarities and we are very proud to have a large representation of them on our portal.
Event Planner Spain