Terms And Conditions
Event Planner Spain SC takes great care in providing the highest possible levels of customer service. We are a portal dedicated to offering advertising of agencies, venues for events and specialized suppliers in the organization of events. Please, check our Terms and Conditions before accepting any of our services and activities. Once you have contracted a service from us, you accept and are legally bound by these Terms and Conditions.
Company legal details : Event Planner Spain SC, J93621225 - C/ San Javier 29670 – San Pedro Alcántara – Málaga
General payment and booking terms (unless otherwise specified in a corresponding proforma invoice and written correspondence between Event Planner Spain and its client)
General payment terms
We accept payments through Credit Card. In case of renewal we accept bank transfer before your service expires. Our online payment system does not store the customer's card data.
- Returns are not accepted for any reason in terms of results such as number of reservations, requests, calls received, visits to your profile, etc. No type of result is guaranteed. The traffic data received on the Event Planner Spain website are estimated and may vary.
- Conditions of Total and Partial Cancellations (reductions): No refunds are accepted (or in case of early cancellation at your renewal date)
Event Planner Spain SC reserves the right to use your event as reference for marketing purpouses (pictures, videos, logos, etc). Should the client not allow Event Planner Spain to use any material, a written request/notification must be sent prior to the event.
End User Obligations
End Users undertake to use our Website in a lawful way and to abstain from using the information and services appearing on it to engage in illicit activities or those constituting an offence, i.e. acts of bad faith, offences against public decency, law and order or the country's ways and customs, intellectual and industrial property laws or any other applicable regulation of the Spanish legal system. Likewise, End Users undertake not to introduce or disseminate in any way harmful virus or software that could damage our Website's computer systems, or those of our Clients or third-party users of the Web; or upload content or propaganda of a racist, xenophobic or pornographic nature, that justifies terrorism or goes against human rights.
Those members of www.eventplannerspain.com ("EPS") who promote their business on our site are required to register their profile only in those categories that are directly related to the services they offer and that are reflected in the information on their own website. EPS reserves the right to modify or delete a category that does not objectively correspond to the main services of its members, thus guaranteeing the quality of the results to our users when they search our portal.
Governing Laws
This legal notice, together with the relationship existing between Event Planner Spain SC . and End Users as regards the said notice, is to be governed by and construed in accordance with Spanish law and any disputes shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Malaga.
Privacy Policy and Data Protection
We undertake to treat personal information supplied to us by End Users via our Website's electronic forms with absolute confidentiality. This information is collected with the sole purpose of processing requests, facilitating requested information and/or services, and providing End Users with news of interest to them.
Likewise, we undertake to never disclose this information to third parties.
In accordance with the Spanish Data Protection Act 15/1999 of 13 December and other applicable laws, we have adopted the data protection systems required by law and all the necessary technical measures to avoid the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access or robbery of personal data provided by End Users or Clients.
By providing us with their personal data, End Users and Clients consent to having their data processed under the aforementioned conditions. However, all End Users and Clients have the right to access, rectify and cancel their personal data registered in our commercial database. Likewise, they have the right to refuse permission for their personal data to be processed. Requests for access, rectification, cancellation or to refuse permission should be sent by post to our address below or by e-mail to info@eventplannerspain.com. Requested rectifications and cancellations will come into effect within a maximum of 10 days, as provided for in the Spanish Data Protection Act 15/1999.
Event Planner Spain can use pictures taken during the activities and events for marketing purpouses (Facebook, Web, etc), except if stated by client in written before the activity takes place.
Event Planner Spain is a website owned by Event Planner Spain SC and as such any disputes arising from these terms and conditions shall be dealt with in a Spanish Court of Law
Should the VAT percentage change in Spain between quotation and invoice date, we would adapt the final amount accordingly.
Pictures used in all promotional literature to illustrate experiences are used as an indication and for information purposes only. They do not represent real pictures of the activities.