The UK travel industry is beginning to feel the effects of yesterday's announcement by UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson that international travel can resume from 17 May. TUI UK said yesterday was its best booking figures in a month, Thomas Cook saw traffic on its website double after 3pm after Johnson detailed his roadmap, while EasyJet saw three times as many flights and six times as many package holidays booked after the end of the blockade was put in place.
And that's considering that in announcing his roadmap for de-escalation, the British Prime Minister pointed out that even the 17 May date is not entirely guaranteed.
He explained that further instructions will be issued to the public by 12 April on how to proceed with plans for the summer holidays, although international travel will not resume before 17 May.
However, Johnson's announcement in Parliament has reassured the country's travel industry and travellers that the government intends to at least try to allow foreign holidays this summer.
TUI UK reported its best day of bookings in over a month, with strong interest in Greece, Spain and Turkey for the summer, according to the BBC.
Thomas Cook said traffic to its website increased by more than 100 per cent on Monday from 15:00 GMT onwards, with a "flood of bookings" to countries such as Greece, Cyprus, Mexico and the Dominican Republic.