
“Game of Thrones,” “Vicky Cristina Barcelona,” “Biutiful,” “All About My Mother” … many famous movies and series have been filmed in Barcelona and Catalonia. If you have a special location, wouldn’t you like to know if you could be part of the next big production?
Thanks to location agencies like Spot Locations, there is no mystery or headache involved in offering your property for productions. We just need to receive from you a quick brief about the property and photos and we will take it from there: quick, easy and safe.
- Send us a short email to with some photos, the address and details of the location.
- For locations that need it (because of their size or potential), we send our own photographers to get photos of them. Unfortunately, we will not be able to send a photographer to every property. However, we can share some guidelines for how to take great pictures of your location. It’s important to take the photos with good light and from the corners and sides of each room so you can see everything in the space. Please keep your camera horizontal - like the TV screen!
- Contact us for our photo guidelines so you can present your location in the best way posible.
- Let us know specifics of the location: size, capacity, parking, neighbourhood, noise, accessibility of the different parts of the house, and a price indication if possible.
- We will take your location into our archive and offer it to production companies that request a space matches the characteristics of your property. Once a client wants to visit, we will contact you to propose the project and to arrange a visit if you’re interested. We will be the middle man to communicate to the client all the conditions of your location: price, schedules, rules, no-go areas, maximum capacity, etc.
- Before the first visit, you will know the conditions of the project (spaces that need to be used, size of the crew, budget, etc.). Remember that you can always accept or deny any reservation request. However, this is the moment to tie all the details down - any change at a later date will be an issue. If we commit to a project we should always follow through – there are a lot of people working to get this job done!
- If the client confirms your house they will need to do a second more in depth visit to sort out all of the technical details of the shoot day.
- Before the shoot day we will sign a contract, present you the production company’s insurance and pay your invoice.