A few days ago we started our special mini-series "Descúbrenos" by launching the first chapter (which you can see here https://www.eventplannerspain.com/blog/acceptus-eventos-producciones-y-diseno/descubrenos-capitulo-1 ).
In this second installment we tell you that we made the first official video clip of the Sevillian flamenco pianist Laura de los Ángeles, a video clip that opened doors for her to perform at the Lope de Vega Theatre in Seville. And at Acceptus Producciones we are pleased to say that we were the first private production company to be allowed to fully record a show in the theatre with a deployment of 8 cameras. One of our milestones. The video clip continued "doing its thing" and with it, the art of Laura de los Ángeles had a very special showcase that opened international doors for her again, opening the International Piano Festival of Antalya (Turkey) in 2018. And furthermore, at Acceptus, driven by the desire to create artistic as well as audiovisual productions, we took the flamenco piano show to Havana, Cuba, participating in the Fiesta del Tambor International Festival as a show representing Spain and Flamenco, as part of the commemorative events of the 500th anniversary of Havana (2019).
We are proud to create productions that open doors and, as they say, "generate emotions".
Videoclip Laura de los Ángeles "Mi abuela Carmen" https://acceptus.es/audiovisuales/produccion-audiovisual/videoclip-mi-abuela-carmen/
At Acceptus Producciones we do all kinds of audiovisual recording and production, music videos, corporate videos, commercials, promotional, fashion films... discover us : Acceptus Producciones https://acceptus.es/audiovisuales/produccion-audiovisual/
We are also the representation agency of international artists such as the flamenco pianist Laura de los Ángeles ( News #DeSevillaALaHabana : https://acceptus.es/noticias-eventos/arte-artistas-de-sevilla-a-la-habana/ ) or the Andalusian singer of international career and famous name, María José Santiago ( official website https://mariajosesantiago.com/ ). But also in our artistic portfolio we have other international names of chamber music with prestigious careers behind them as well as leading figures of flamenco.
You can contact us for exclusive productions for events: launches, inaugurations, parties, congresses... We create exclusively for each project.
In the next chapter we will continue telling you about it!