From Seville to the world. Acceptus premieres a new artistic production that promises to be the musical revelation of the year. And not only revelation, but also revolution. With the voice of the renowned Algerian artist Wafa Oudjit, with a first class Andalusian musical cast and with the musical direction of the Sevillian composer Eustaquio Álvarez, the album VISAGES, composed and recorded in Seville, will have its international premiere in Paris on the 4th of February.
The year 2023 marks the thousandth anniversary of the foundation of the taifa of Seville by Abu-l-Qasim Muhammad Ibn Abbad in 1023. Seville is present, future but also past. And Seville is "flamenca" but it is also Arab. And from this temporal, cultural and musical fusion VISAGES is born.
We invite you to discover this magnificent musical project in this link:
VISAGES, concerts:
4 February, Algerian Cultural Centre of Paris
9 May, Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid
BOOKING OPEN: acceptus@acceptus.es