The future of online advertising in Spain has never looked brighter, according a study submitted by Price Waterhouse Coopers and Internet Advertising Bureau Spain. During the first quarter of 2006, spending on interactive advertising, totalling 126.25 million euros, has exceeded estimates for the sector by a long chalk, registering an increase of 91.37%, 90% more than for the same period in 2005.
Overall spending of 200 million euros
It is estimated that interactive advertising will generate revenues of more than 200 million euros during the present financial year. Big advertisers, whose ads appear in any media, will account for around 70% of overall spending, as in other countries. Contrary to belief, this increase is not due to a price rise but to a greater number of advertisers.
The tourist industry, one of the biggest spenders
As regards ranking by sector, the tourist industry, with a 15.6% share, is second only to the finance sector, followed by communication, teaching and culture. Telecommunications and alcoholic beverages are the two sectors that have lost the biggest percentage of market share in the same period.