The organizing agency entrusted Sono with the event’s A/V equipment.
SAS Forum Spain highlights the importance that analytics has in the global digital environment in which we are currently immersed. The event had over 30 top speakers who delivered keynotes on innovation, IoT (Internet of Things) and BI (Business Intelligence), among other issues.
Rapidness, flexibility, quality, and confidence are the most cherished values in any analytic process, and Spain’s chief analytics event had to offer an image in line with these principles.
Accordingly, a giant 18x5m display was used for simultaneous multi-projection with two high-performance Christie Boxer 4K30 projectors. With a Watchout system and a Barco EC-200 screen management system, content was distributed, transforming the screen multiple times and combining different PiP modes so as to transmit adequately all the graphic and video content, as well as the presentations and live broadcasting.
Other services provided by Sono for the plenary session included the following:
- A cutting-edge sound system with L’acoustics Kara line array, a Digico mixing table, and eight Shure wireless microphones.
- A simultaneous translation system with 400 digital receivers.
- Stage and show lighting.
Sono also handled the assembly, management, and rental of A/V equipment for the breakout sessions and the set for live interviews:
- Five meeting rooms equipped with a projector, sound system, teleprompter, and reference monitoring.
- The set for the interviews included a 2.5x1.5m high-resolution LED display.
Spectacular 108sqm projection gives shape to biggest analytics event in Spain: SAS Forum 2016