Solfesa Collaborates in Gala Dinner Marking 100th Anniversary of Titanic Sinking


The company handled the technical side of the gala dinner held at the Maritime Museum of Barcelona to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic.

On 14 April, the Titanic Foundation organized a gala dinner at the Maritime Museum of Barcelona to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. The dinner was a recreation of the same menu that was served on the fateful evening of the sinking of the world’s most famous ocean liner. The majority of those attending this moving event were descendents of the ship’s passengers and crew.

So as to create the right atmosphere, Solfesa used filters of different shades of blue to illuminate the banqueting hall and spots to pick out the photographs exhibited throughout the venue. Furthermore, the company’s technicians installed a sound system so that, during dinner, the guests could listen to the same repertoire that was performed by a quartet back in 1912. Later on, perhaps the event’s most moving moment, the sound of ships’ sirens was reproduced in tribute to all those who perished. A large screen was also installed for showing a documentary about this historic event.

This moving event ended at 2am, at the precise moment at which the ship went down in the North Atlantic. Before leaving, the guests visited an exhibition about the Titanic which will be open to the public until 30 September 2012.

Solfesa collaborates in gala dinner marking 100th anniversary of Titanic sinking
