Solar Impulse 2 in Seville


As reported in the worldwide media Solar Impulse 2 touched-down at the San Pablo international airport in Seville on the 23 June after completing a record-breaking trans-Atlantic flight and the 15th leg of its groundbreaking round-the-world flight.

Along with a ground support team of over 80 people, the solar-powered aircraft was transferred to a temporary 3,200m² infrastructure organised by INEVENTS within less than one week. Along with the impressive 80x40m hangar structure, INEVENTS also provided every single element the organisation required, including: power generators and ongoing fuel supplies, air-conditioning, electrical installation, furniture, 24-hour security, fencing, toilet facilities and running water.

On the day of its arrival, INEVENTS also orchestrated staging, sound, simultaneous translation, catering and coach transfers for a press conference in the morning and a cocktail for over 250 invitees in the evening. During its two-week stopover in Seville, INEVENTS also provided Solar Impulse with ongoing site management and support services. For more information on the Solar Impulse project, INEVENTS International event production in Spain

Solar Impulse 2 in Seville
