SCCB holds general assembly

At the recently held General Assembly of the Seville Convention Bureau, the following figures summarizing its activities in 2017 were presented to its members:

  • 33 international marketing actions engaging 1242 professionals.
  • 23 fam trips with 659 trade professionals.
  • 46 congress and event inspection trips involving 104 trade professionals.
  • In total: 102 actions attending the individual needs of 2005 trade professionals, the majority of whom were from abroad, representing a record 9% year-on-year increase.
  • Induced production: 121.5€ millions through 250 registered distributions (91.044 pax), representing a 10% year-on-year increase.
  • As regards membership, the SCCB registered 135 associated companies at the end of 2017.
  • As to Seville’s ICCA ranking, the city is still in the top 100 worldwide, occupying the same position as the year before, although hosting a larger number of international congresses.

Regarding acknowledgements and awards, the following should be highlighted:

  • Top 25 in the world. The SCCB has been included in the top 25 global event destination, occupying first place in the most friendly destination category, by Event UK, a platform measuring meeting and event industry trends.
  • Best MICE Destination in Spain. The Iberian Association of Travel Managers (IBTA), has chosen Seville as the best meeting and event destination in Spain.
  • Lonely Planet. ‘Best in Travel 2018’. The prestigious travel guide has chosen Seville as the best global destination in 2018.
  • M&I Forum’17. Although this event has nothing to do with acknowledgements or awards, it offered the SCCB an excellent opportunity to showcase the city before more than 480 international buyers.
