The Professional Association of the Film and Advertising Industries (PROINCINE) will be officially launched at the Malaga Chamber of Commerce, located in Cortina del Muelle, 23, at 1pm on 14 October.
The chief aim of the association PROINCINE, which came into being last year as result of the drive of Sara Nicoll, a prestigious Hispano-British producer, is to give a boost the film and advertising industries in Malaga and the rest of Andalusia by promoting them abroad.
In this way, PROINCINE is making a determined effort to promote Malaga and Andalusia as ideal film locations thanks to their varied scenery, good accessibility, and technical support. It is also important to mention the professionalism of a film and advertising industry, until now relatively unknown, which moves around 30 million euros a year in Andalusia, benefiting directly and indirectly chief strategic sectors such as tourism and culture.
The objective of PROINCINE is to increase the industry’s visibility in the most important international film festivals so as to attract film producers to Malaga and the rest of Andalusia. The first action of this strategic plan took place last year at the Cannes Film Festival, one of the most prestigious in the world. The association made business contacts with most of the companies and professionals present at the festival.
At present, members of PROINCINE include top companies such as Southern Sun, Camera Service Rental, Fresco Films Services, Big Foot Productions, Locations Spain, Good Rolling Films, Mare Nostrum and euromedia films, among others.