The European Rambler’s Association (ERA) has chosen Malaga as the destination for its 4th International Seminar on Rambling and Territory in Europe, which will be held from 5-7 June 2008.
The 4th International Seminar on Rambling and Territory in Europe, organised by ERA, the Spanish Mountain Sports and Climbing Federation (FEDME), the Andalusian Mountaineering Federation (FAM) and Provincial Authorities of Malaga, and sponsored by the Council of Europe, the Spanish Government, the Andalusian Regional Government, Malaga City Council, Malaga University and the Costa del Sol Tourist Board, among others, will be held at the Assembly Hall of the Provincial Authorities of Malaga from 5-7 June 2008.
Rambling and mountain sports in Europe are practised on an ever larger scale, with a growing impact on nature. Growing awareness of the environment’s importance has induced public administrative bodies to structure and regulate its use, largely by means of environmental conservation and protection legislation. This has made it necessary to study, analyse and put forward proposals about the right of the European public to use accesses – lanes and paths – to open spaces so as to enjoy nature freely and in a structured way.
The 4th International Seminar on Rambling and Territory in Europe, in which representatives from the association’s 26 member countries will be participating, as well as those from the different Spanish regional associations, will be geared to analysing the current situation of rambling in Europe, with the following thematic content: the concept of the public use of land and how it compares with the right of way; rambling as a lifestyle, sports and tourist activity; the contribution of sports-type physical activity to the health, social relations and education of human beings; the development and protection of the environment through the practising of sports; the creation of a new pool of jobs in an emerging sector with a demand for services: the need to further existing studies about rambling: sports law, education, the mass phenomenon, the tourist attraction phenomenon, etc.
One of the chief aims of the seminar is to set standards and make recommendations about the use of nature so that countries will take into account that it needs to be used in a sustainable way.
For further information about the call for papers, please e-mail the Scientific Committee: amerino@malaga.es.