Kursaal sets recovery on firm footing in 2015

There was an increase of 4% in turnover with respect to 2014 and, maintaining the self-financing model, a capital surplus of 8% was registered last year.

During the last financial year, Kursaal set the recovery achieved in 2014 on a firm footing, with a turnover of €3.3 million – a 4% increase – and, maintaining as before the self-financing model, a capital surplus of €502,034, a year-on-year increase of 8%.

These financial results, which could be regarded as highly positive, are based on the centre’s congress agenda, which increased by 22%, including as in previous years a large proportion of international eventos (33% of the total).

It is important to stress that the Kursaal’s self-financing, for the 17th year running, has made it unnecessary to inject public funds into the centre since being opened in 1999.

Against this background of recovery and consolidation, it is important to underscore the economic impact that the centre’s activity has had on San Sebastián and Gipuzkoa, which has been calculated in the region of €44 million.

The chief milestones in 2015 include the record level of client satisfaction, with an average score of 8.76.

Furthermore, in January the general manager of Kursaal Iker Goikoetxea was named vice-president of the APCE (Spanish Convention Centre Association).
