King Philip VI presides centenary of Feria Valencia

Feria Valencia has presented the prospective study ’Eixida 2027’ offering insights into the next 10 years of the Valencian Community, as well as the new design of its official website.

Last Thursday, King Philip VI was the guest of honour at the commemoration of the centenary of Feria Valencia at a main function held at the Events Centre of the Valencian exhibition centre, accompanied by the Regional President Ximo Puig, the Minister of Energy Alvaro Nadal, the Major of Valenica Joan Ribo, and the Chairman of the Executive Board of Feria Valencia José Vicente González.

In his speech, the King underscored that Spanish tradeshow centres are ‘the main pillars of trade promotion, since they make the most of the mechanisms and tools of the technological revolution and globalization,’ while highlighting the ‘human dimension, personal and face-to-face contact’ that they offer, and stating that technology ‘cannot be substituted.’ ‘Tradeshows are unique and not easily replaced,’ he also remarked.

The function commemorated the first tradeshow to be held in Spain, which took place in the lobby of the new North Station and the patio of the Imperial College of Children of San Vicente Ferrer of València on 10 May 1917.

In the last financial year, Feria Valencia hosted a total of 31 tradeshows and 37 events, with 4177 exhibiting companies and brands, 26.8% of which were international from 39 countries. In 2016, Feria Valencia also hosted 520,820 visitors, 181,499 of whom were trade professionals and 14.4% from 152 countries.
