IKEA and Clicknaranja: a real story about making other people happy


The agency has thought up "The Story of Felipe" for the Swedish brand, an inspiring tale based on a true story.

Robert Louis Stevenson, the mythical autor of Treasure Island once said that "Happiness lies in making other people happy." And this is precisely what IKEA has aimed to do on launching via its online channels "The Story of Felipe", a tale about how we can all do our bit to make the dreams of people that we come into contact with on a daily basis come true.

"The Story of Felipe" tells a tale that is not a tale, in a warm and intimate way: the ups and downs of Felipe, an IKEA teddy bear which ends up being much more than a toy for Luis, the child who receives it as a present. Several collaborators of IKEA from all over Europe do their utmost to try to help Luis' parents find another teddy bear so that Felipe has a sister (Felipa) to play with, despite the fact that the toy has been discontinued.

To this end, Clicknaranja created a microsite, where Juan – a real storyteller – tells this inspiring and magical tale full of human values. The site also allows visitors to get to know the story's real protagonists, from Luis' family, through Felipe (the now mythical teddy bear), to the collaborators of IKEA, proving its veraciousness far removed from ad fiction and presenting people that are motivated just by making others happy, without asking for anything in return.

The site also offers users the possibility to share this touching story with their friends via Facebook and win an IKEA gift voucher, with the aim of disseminating it virally on the Web. In addition, it includes a link to "1€ is a Fortune", IKEA's traditional Christmas charity initiative, which shares the same altruistic values as the story of Felipe.
