IFEMA renews agreement with collaborating hotels

The aim of this collaboration agreement is to pool resources in order to position Madrid as one of the main trade show and congress destinations in the world, in addition to promoting its ample hotel offering.

On 21 December, IFEMA and its collaborating hotels signed the agreement that establishes a common agenda keyed to reinforcing Madrid’s position as one of the main trade show and congress destinations in Europe and the rest of the world, and a city with a choice of hotels capable of satisfying the growing demand in the business tourism sector.

The signing of the agreement, in which Eduardo López-Puertas, director general of IFEMA and the centre’s 32 collaborating hotels participated, also provided the opportunity to analyse the results of the trade shows and congresses held in 2016, together with other corporate events, totalling a record 500.

IFEMA renews agreement with collaborating hotels
