Grand launching of single Inevitable by Marta Rosillo

The Malaga singer Marta Rosillo has just launched her first single ’Inevitable’, a vital, optimist and heartfelt pop song with Cuban rhythms.

Marta Rosillo’s ‘Inevitable’ has been launched simultaneously in Spain, Peru, Ecuador, and Miami.

Brilliantly produced by the composer and musician Antonio Ferrara, who has worked with such important artists as Pastora Soler, Malú, Nuria Fergó, and Antonio José, among others, Marta Rosillo has just presented ‘Inevitable’, a pop song with Cuban rhythms in which musicians from Los Angeles, Cadiz, Granada, and Malaga have participated.

‘Inevitable’ is a love song with a catchy chorus capable of seducing all the senses. Marta Rosillo is an artists with her own identity who transmits passion and optimism with her voice.

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