Madrid hosted the ESMO Congress 2014 under the slogan "Precision medicine in cancer treatment".
Over 18,000 professionals from all over the world attended the congress, organized by the European Society for Medical Oncology and held from 26-30 September. Around 1,550 scientific studies, focused on deepening the knowledge and treatment of cancer, were presented during the congress.
Exit Audiovisuals was commissioned to provide A/V equipment for one of the most important pharmaceutical companies in the world, which organized a large number of scientific meetings during the five-day congress in nine meeting rooms located at different venues.
Equipment installed:
- Christie 20K HD, Christie 14K HD, Hitachi 8500 lumens projectors
- 8x2,60m overhead projection screen, 6x3,36m screens
- Ledman 4mm LED screens
- A variety of plasma screens
- Folsom multiprojection system
- Live broadcasting with two Panasonic P2 HD cameras
- Audio and microphone system
- Stage perimeter lighting
- Props
Exit Audiovisuales at the ESMO Congress 2014