Algeciras was chosen as the venue for the 2nd edition of INNOVIA, which was held on 22 November. The aim of this initiative, sponsored by the Regional Department of Innovation, Science and Enterprise and the Andalusian Network of Technological Areas (RETA), is to bring innovation to companies and sectors that, because of their activity, size or location, do not have access to normal forums. The event was produced by Euromedia Consulting, a Malaga-based company dedicated to event organisation, audio-visual and film production, and consultancy.
The chief objective of the 2nd edition of INNOVIA was to facilitate a forum for reflecting on and debating innovation, a fundamental factor of competitiveness, which is frequently associated with new technologies and is not always understood as something intrinsic to business and necessary for any company.
The event, which was held in a marquee located in the fair ground, next to Las Palomas Bullring, began with the seminar “Innovation Management”, followed by a creativity workshop. The afternoon programme included the play “Ideacion”, by the company Hambre Teatro, in which they described the journey of an idea, from the moment it is conceived to when it is accepted by a complex society, sometimes reticent about changes. Afterwards, it was the turn of the International Virtual Fairs of Andalusia (FIVA), a pioneering project on applying the virtual concept to enterprise, starting from a totally conventional business model, such as that of trade fairs. Lastly, the event ended with a roundtable in which several businessmen and women shared their experiences.
The parallel programme included four workshops (“Learning is now easier”, “I design the website of my company”, “Paper takes up space, information does not”, and “Always connected”, with the idea of demonstrating the uses that innovation and communication and information technologies have in the corporate sector and organisations.
After the first edition, held in Linares (Jaen) on 27 September, and this last edition held in Algeciras on 22 November, INNOVIA will tour Andalusia organising educational activities.
About Euromedia Consulting
Based in Malaga, Euromedia Consulting is one of the leading companies in audio-visual production services and consultancy, with more than 10 years of experience in the film, television, music, and event industries. In addition, the company provides its services both in Spain and abroad, its highly professional, multilingual team speaking Spanish, English, Dutch, Swedish, Danish and German.