Eikonos chosen as audiovisual supplier for Nissan stand

Dicom Events continues to rely on the services of Eikonos. On this occasion, the A/V service firm supplied the audiovisual equipment for Nissan’s stand at the Automobile Barcelona 2017. The two companies formed a perfect tandem!

After three intensive weeks of planning, the designers came up with a modern, technological stand, a reflection of the models presented by the Japanese brand.

On the show floor, Eikonos installed a giant 14.5x3.5m 3.9mm LED display for screening Nissan’s latest offerings. Furthermore, the firm also installed four 1x5.5m 5.9mm LED columns. All the content was controlled using Watchout V6.

Twenty-one supports with iPads were placed next to the models on show, where visitors could consult their specifications. In the electric car area, where everything was powered by a Nissan LEAF battery, Eikonos deployed two 75” monitors managed by BrightSign.

For the DJ sessions, a LS9 mixing consol, 12 PS8 and PS10 boxes, and three Shure Ulx bases were used. Moreover, Eikonos collaborated in different presentations offered on the stand’s stage, featuring the visit of FC Barcelona and Spanish squad player Andrés Iniesta. Broadcast via video streaming, his attendance was a great success with the public.

In the business area of the stand, Eikonos installed 30 networked computers and three laser printers for sales operations. To ensure that everything ran smoothly, there were three technicians on hand during the show.
