Divertia Smile Company was commissioned to organize the European Recycling Party, held in Madrid on 11 November, in which 720 kilos of waste were collected.
ERP wanted to celebrate the fact that it has recycled a million tons of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). Within ERP, Spain is ranked in fourth place as regards WEEE collection: Germany tops the list (23%), followed by the UK (20%), France (12%) and Spain (9%).
ERP decided to organize 11 free concerts – one in each of the countries in which it operates directly – in favour of recycling waste electrical and electronic equipment, such as mobile phones, hairdryers, washing machines, etc., the entrance to the concerts being free in exchange for one piece of RAEE.
The aim was to highten the awareness of the public in general as to the importance of recycling used aparata and make both the young and old understand how essential it is to look after the environment through recycling.
In Spain, Divertia Smile Company was commissioned to organize the European Recycling Party in Madrid, at which Alamedadosoulna y Emeterians, two of the country's foremost bands, performed.
Given the lack of budget for advertising the event in traditional media such as radio and press, a number of social networks – including Facebook, Twitter and My Space) were used, together with a massive presence in leisure, event and music websites, agendas and portals.
The aim was to fill the venue and thus collect the largest amount of waste on the day of the concert.
In addition, an event eblast was sent to nearly 40,000 people, using a number of opt-in lists (Sala Riviera, Alamedadosoulna, Emeterians, Divertia Smile Company).
Lastly, two weeks before the concert, posters were put up and flyers were distributed at Madrid's universities.
Event dynamics
The concert-goers – some 1,800, when 1,200 were expected – exchanged their WEEE for a ticket at the entrance of the venue. Waste was deposited in containers which, once full, were taken to a WEEE recycling plant. In this way, 750 kilos of waste were collected.
Divertia Smile Company participates in an original promotional marketing campaign
Between performances, the director of ERP Spain thanked those present for coming and conducted a lucky draw, with prizes provided by the event's sponsors.