Delegation from Asociación de Oficinas de Congresos de Universidades y Fundaciones Universitarias (OCUE) visits three English universities to learn about other forms of venue management

One of the main missions of the Asociación de Oficinas de Congresos de Universidades y Fundaciones Universitarias (OCUE) is to promote knowledge exchange between the congress offices of Spanish universities, in addition to serving as a communication channel between these offices and universities in the rest of the world.

Pedagogy, innovation and exchange have been the three cornerstones of the visits that a delegation from the OCUE has recently paid to the Universities of Manchester, Nottingham and Leeds, from 5-7 February.

The delegation from the OCUE was formed by representatives of the Fundació Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (FUAB), the Fundació Universitat Empresa de les Illes Balears (FUEIB), la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and the Fundació Universitat Rovira i Virgili (FUrV), who were received by their counterparts at the congress offices of the University of Manchester, Nottingham Conference and MEETinLEEDS.

The aim of this trip was to get to know venues and services offered by the three universities and to exchange know-how with meeting venue, accommodation, catering and sports venue managers.
