Clave Azafatas at the Executive Council of the World Tourism Organization

With over 300 representatives from 50 countries – including 17 ministers and state secretaries of tourism – the 103th Executive Council of the World Tourism Organization (WTO) ended last Wednesday in Malaga, with the aim of improving tourist safety.

The conclusions of the Executive Committee of the WTO also addressed sustainability and the impact of new technologies on tourism, as well as defining its agenda for 2017, declaring it the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development – whose activities will begin in Madrid in the framework of the International Tourism Fair (FITUR) – and approving the adhesion of 26 new members to the organization, bringing the total to 500.

The Mayor of Malaga, Francisco de la Torre and the President of the World Travel and Tourism Council, David Scowsill were also present at the event.

Clave Azafatas at the Executive Council of the World Tourism Organization
