According to Nietzsche, “without music, life would be a mistake.” At Acceptus, we believe that an event without music is like a garden without flowers; there are some beautiful gardens without flowers, but it is not the same thing… An event without music is still a common blunder. At Acceptus, we have an ample national and international musical repertoire.
In order to stage a memorable event, this must offer the participants emotion. If guests feel emotions, this will ensure that a presentation, function, event, etc., will be a memorable experience for them. Oscar Wilde once said that “Music is the art which is most nigh to tears and memory.”
At Acceptus, we pride ourselves on surrounding ourselves with art and on knowing how to cause that wow effect with talent. We represent international performers and have the best to offer in chamber music, with projects created with top international performers. And as its time to go back to school, do not forget to include Acceptus’ music classes in your events!
LAURA DE LOS ÁNGELES "Mi Nueva Esperanza" Lope de Vega de Sevilla _ Video Promo ACCEPTUS Eventos Producciones Diseño