CCIB at the Forefront of Eco-sustainable Initiatives


The International Convention Centre of Barcelona (CCIB) has decided to calculate its carbon footprint and compensate its CO2 emissions by purchasing carbon credits, an initiative benefitting the Waste Pulp Cogeneration Project of Monte Rosa in Nicaragua. This action, which is in line with those already developed by CCIB, reflects the centre’s strong commitment to the implementation of environmental protection policies.

“Sustainability,” states Edgar Hirt, president of IACC (International Association of Conference Centres), “is a matter that could pose long-term challenges when evaluating the success of our own impacts.”

In line with this statement, made by one of the most knowledgeable professionals in the international congress industry, CCIB has calculated its carbon footprint for 2009, in collaboration with a specialized consultancy service, thus demonstrating its commitment as a company to the struggle against climate change. Aware of the importance of this phenomenon, CCIB has decided to go one step further and become a carbon-neutral organization. To achieve this, in addition to a series of energy efficiency measures that are currently being taken, CCIB will compensate its emissions corresponding to 2009 by purchasing official carbon credits under aegis of the Kyoto Protocol.

These credits come from the Waste Pulp Cogeneration Project of Monte Rosa, Nicaragua, meeting the standards of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The chief aim of this plan is to improve the energy efficiency of cogeneration to supply electricity, substituting the use of waste pulp (residue of sugarcane processing) for fuel oil. This initiative will not only help to mitigate climate change, by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, but will also increase the competitiveness of the region’s sugarcane industry.

In addition, CCIB will offer its clients the possibility of compensating the emissions of the events that they hold in its facilities; an efficient way of demonstrating their commitment to environmental conservation and providing a higher quality service. Along these lines, Marc Rodriguez, director general of CCIB, states: “Both at a national and international level, the world’s leading companies are taking corporate social responsibility in this field more and more seriously. As a consequence, and taking into account the suggestions of many of our clients, this year we have decided to go a step further and offer corporations the possibility of estimating the emissions produced by their events, including proposals to reduce and compensate their carbon footprint by participating in sustainable projects at an international level.”

In the opinion of Carolina Garcia Serra, sales and marketing director of CCIB, this all goes to show that the centre in currently leading the field in the implementation of environmental protection policies: “The aim is to help organizations and companies to organize carbon-neutral events, in line with CCIB’s environmental strategy.”
