The 21st Congress of the Spanish Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Orbital Surgery was held in the capital of Gran Canaria from 16-17 June, with the attendance of approximately 300 specialists from all over Spain.
The Canaries Congress Centre - Alfredo Kraus Auditorium, located in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, hosted the 21st Congress of the Spanish Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Orbital Surgery from 16-17 June. The 300 or so specialists from all over Spain attending the event got to know first-hand new treatments and surgical advances in the field of oculoplastic surgery.
The congress' programme addressed both cosmetic and clinical surgery and the analysis of patients' psychological profiles.
Keynote speakers featured Dr. Yoon-Duck Kim (from the department of ophthalmology of the Samsung Medical Centre and lecturer at the Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine in Korea), with a broad experience in reconstructive and cosmetic surgery, and Dr. Jeffrey Rose (head of the oculoplastic and orbital surgery department of Moorfields Hospital in London).
This important event was presided by Dr. Andres Laiseca, who holds a degree in Medicine and Surgery from the Complutense of Madrid. A specialist in ophthalmology and doctor "cum laude" in Medicine and Surgery, he specializes in eye prostheses and oculoplastic surgery, both reconstructive and cosmetic, and has dedicated his work to adapting eye prostheses, as well as reconstructive cavity and oculoplastic surgery. He has been working for over 20 years at the Dres. Laiseca Clinic in Madrid and Seville and the Eurocanarias Ophthalmology Clinic in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
Development of oculoplastic surgery
Oculoplastic surgery is the branch of ophthalmology that has experienced the most sustained growth among eye specialists over the last few years. Indeed, diseases affecting eyelids, lachrymal ducts and orbits, and their treatment, have been strongly vindicated by these specialists. Some year ago, periocular pathologies were left chiefly in the hands of dermatologists, plastic surgeons, and even ear, nose, and throat specialists. In ophthalmology departments, eyelids were considered of minor importance, taking up little time and less resources, and lachrymal surgery was regarded as a scandalous practice with debatable results.
However, the repercussions of these pathologies for the ocular surface are evident, for which reason the knowledge eye specialists currently have of these structures has highlighted the need to include their protection in the clinical practices of modern-day departments of ophthalmology.