Ballet Zambra Premieres New Show


After a gap of three years, this new show, directed by J. Tomas Sanchez, founder of the company, features a novel and daring mise en scène.

The saying goes that in the 18th century flamenco artistes were bolero artistes and vice versa, hence, at a specific time in history, they were synonymous. So, on this occasion, Ballet Zambra’s aim has been to merge, even more if possible, folklore, the bolero school, stylized dance and flamenco. To this end, the company has combined the talents of two choreographers, both having formed a part of the company as dancers and both with very different styles: on the one hand, Jose Maria Rubio, responsible for the Spanish dance choreographies; and on the other, Sonia Sepulveda, responsible for the more flamenco choreographies.

The result of the fusion of these different styles is the staging of… "Perfume".

As faithfully as possible, Ballet Zambra has adapted this literary masterpiece to the interpretive language of Spanish dance and flamenco.

Based of the bestseller of the German novelist Patrick Süskind, it tells the story of a murderer. Set in 18th century France, the main character Grenouille, one of most brilliant and abominable men of his time, discovers and perceives the world since birth through the sense of smell, which in his case is more developed than in the rest of mankind, since he has no odour of his own.

The show is a must-see for everyone and will leave no one indifferent. There will be a sneak-preview in Almuñecar on 3 October, after which it will be premiered at the Cervantes Theatre (Malaga) at 9pm on 27 October.
