APCE Organizes First Summer School Geared to Meeting and Event Professionals


The Spanish Association of Congress Centres (APCE) has recently announced the 1st edition of its summer school, whose aim is to introduce professionals working at congress centres to the basics of the meetings and event industry and its activities in order to provide them with the right tools to attract business. The course will be held in Madrid from 22-24 July.

How to achieve client satisfaction, business strategies for attracting events, outsourcing services, and congress centre communication are just some of the subjects that will be covered during the course. The teachers, who work at different Spanish congress centres and are experts in the field, will try to provide course participants with tools to improve their performance at work.

The course is keyed to professionals working at congress centres belonging to APCE and who do not usually attend the association’s annual meeting. The course will include theoretical and interactive sessions in which participants will be divided into work groups so as to study course material more in depth. In addition, a series of specialized meetings have been programmed allowing participants to centre on the technical and business aspects related to the field in which they work.

In the words of Jose Salinas, president of APCE: “The organization and staging of the 1st Summer School proves that the association is committed to maintaining and improving the knowledge and professionalism of the member centres’ staff, so as to obtain better results and contribute brand value to APCE.”
