Alter Civites and ECODES Measure Economic, Social and Environmental Value of Social Action Projects


ECODES and Alter Civites have signed a collaboration agreement for developing SROI (Social Return of Investment) measurements, keyed to those social organizations that want to measure the value generated by their social action projects.

ECODES is a non-profit foundation with 20 years of experience in helping all those organizations, companies and administrations taking steps towards sustainability. Alter Civites is a social consultancy firm geared to creating and developing value and quality of life for people, social organizations and society as a whole, with a clear social commitment. Both organizations have decided to join forces to help social organizations that manage social action projects to highlight the value created by such projects, with the aim of heightening awareness as regards this task and the impact it has on society.

SROI is a methodology for analyzing investment, introduced in San Francisco in the 1990s and then further developed in England, which measures the value and monetizes the economic, social and environmental benefits of any investment. This analytic method is widely used in countries such as Great Britain, where it is applied to public investment. A good example can be found in the building of Heathrow’s latest runway, which was subjected to a SROI analysis before permission was granted, or the enlarging of Sydney Airport (Australia), which was also subjected to a similar analysis. For social organizations, SROI is a useful tool that makes it possible to measure and quantify the value they generate with the funds that they receive from public administrations and private donations.

In the context of the current crisis, it is important to reflect upon the importance of analyzing the use of public funds and consider how some of the contributions of public administrations constitute an investment that has a knock-on effect in the form of economic and social value.

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