On Locations

On Locations is a premium location agency based in Barcelona that finds and manages locations for all kinds of productions. 

About us

Company Address

Carrer Zamora 49, Sobreatico 1B
08005 Barcelona Barcelona

On Locations offers a bespoke location service: 

References – We’re quick to send through references and ideas for your project. 

Permits - We manage permits for public roads, parks, beaches and transit so you can produce without any limitations. 

Scouting - Our scouts will be with you from the start to get the space you are looking for. We take pride in the quality of our photographers and with our experience in the field we will help you realize your projects easily. 

Location Managers - Our team has location managers to be with you throughout your job – from pre-production, to coordinating all of the logistics of the big day on set.

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