The head of the Infectious Disease Service at Can Ruti, Dr Bonaventura Clotet, hopes to have them available in a matter of weeks
Doctor Bonaventura Clotet, head of the Infectious Diseases Service at Can Ruti, has announced that Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol in Badalona (Barcelona) is working on a test designed to be used on tickets for music festivals, football matches or theatre performances.
This is a rapid test for detecting the coronavirus, the results of which would be obtained in just 15 minutes, as the doctor has stated. In addition, Dr. Clotet has also detailed that they are turning to these ultra-fast tests so that they can be available in a matter of weeks.
A step towards normality
"I hope that in a few weeks or months we will have them," said the also director of the Irsicaixa research centre, Dr. Bonaventura Clotet, in an interview with RAC1. "It would be a great advance for concerts, for football or theatre", added the doctor.
"If you can assure that a person does not have the presence of the virus at that moment, you can foresee that in the next six hours it will not be reactivated", he detailed about the tests that, as Dr. Clotet himself affirmed, are already being validated in "different places".
Time left for a vaccine
According to Clotet, in 2021, after the studies have been completed with guarantees, it will be possible to vaccinate part of the population, but "having millions of doses will still take time", so the situation "is not so clear". "Perhaps in one or two years' time we could have the whole menu of vaccines to use," the doctor said.
For this reason, he has asked for "a lot of patience" with the return to school since, as he has warned, it is likely that in the first week cases will already be detected and some groups or schools will have to be closed: "It is easier than suspending all activity", concluded the expert.
Credits https://cronicaglobal.elespanol.com/vida/desarrollan-test-rapido-ideado-llenar-publico-estadios-conciertos_379656_102.html