Levy has highlighted the 14 measures to be presented by the PP in Congress, among which is the reduction to a super reduced tourism VAT
The delegate of Culture, Tourism and Sport of the Madrid City Council, Andrea Levy, has assured this Thursday that September may be the month when cultural interventions in the open air begin again, as in the Plaza Mayor.
"We would have liked Veranos de la Villa to be like always, but to be able to carry out joint cultural activities, we need both capacity and perimeter, and this is not so easy here, but we do hope that on the return of September we will be able to carry out interventions in public spaces such as the Plaza Mayor," she said to the media after meeting with hoteliers. Levy has indicated that in these acts the priority objective is "to avoid agglomerations".
With regard to the tourism sector, Levy has highlighted the 14 measures that the PP will present in Congress as a "respirator that will give life to the tourism sector in Spain. Among them is the reduction to a super reduced VAT on tourism.
Also extend the ERTE until the first quarter of 2021, at least something "fundamental". The delegate added that "30% of European funds must be allocated to tourism" and urged "establish safe health corridors" and a "diplomacy that puts in value tourism.
Credits https://www.agenttravel.es/noticia-038855_Madrid-estima-que-en-septiembre-se-podran-realizar-acciones-culturales-en-espacios-como-Plaza-Mayor.html