82% of Spaniards support that the tourism sector receive some kind of help


42% justify it as an "essential" sector, according to ObservaTUR

The vast majority of Spaniards, 82% to be precise, consider that the administrations should encourage domestic tourism with some kind of aid, such as tourist vouchers, according to a study carried out by the National Observatory of Outbound Tourism (ObservaTUR).

Among those surveyed who support the measure, 45% consider that the aid would serve to reactivate demand and boost the economy, while 42% justify it because it would support an "essential" sector such as tourism.

In addition, 12% support incentives for domestic tourism because they would help more people to have the option of moving. The remaining 1% agree with these three reasons.

In contrast to this support, 4% of the interviewees refuse to be helped. Of these, 65% consider that "there are more important things to spend the money on" and 25% because they consider it better to save. On the other hand, 7% argue that mass tourism "is not sustainable".

Finally, 15% of those consulted were "totally indifferent" and did not take a position either in favour or against aid.

Marcos Franco, founding member of ReiniziaT and ObservaTUR, pointed out that initiatives to support tourism, such as vouchers, "can be a palliative measure to alleviate the current situation, which is becoming more critical by the day".

"We believe that aid should not only be limited to certain territories but should also be extended to other communities. At least until the pandemic persists, since travel also contributes to making the health emergency more bearable. And always, of course, from the highest responsibility", he concludes.

Credits https://agenttravel.es/noticia-039484_El-82-de-los-espanoles-apoyan-que-el-sector-turistico-reciba-algun-tipo-de-ayuda.html
