From the Port they expect to bid before two months one of the three proposals that are studying to build a marina to house megayachts.
The Port of Malaga announces an ambitious transformation plan to be developed over the next four years with the aim of diversifying sources of income, promote exports and imports linked to the environment of Malaga and become a reference in nautical tourism of high level. This has been assured today by its president Carlos Rubio during his speech at the "Forum Europe. Tribune Andalusia".
The Port will speed up the construction of high-level offices and a leisure area on 26,500 square metres of land in Muelle Heredia. But there are two pitfalls. On the one hand the ownership of this land, which belongs to the Inland Revenue. On the other hand, the high economic investment needed to implement the project. Faced with these difficulties, the president of the Port has unveiled the strategy to develop so that the project can begin to develop "in the short term these charges are assumed by the Port. We will move the headquarters of the Guardia Civil and at the same time we will create a headquarters for the Tax Agency within the port, next to the Puerta de Colón. Simultaneously we will take out the public tender for its management," said Carlos Rubio.
Another of the actions consists of the creation of a marina for megayachts in a space between Pier One and Pier Two that will allow the Port of Malaga to be a benchmark in high level nautical tourism. For its construction and operation are already studying three bids and hope to be awarded at the end of August "think that these ships are a company in itself. Not only for the demand of the crew, also the supply, maintenance, etc.. In the end is a small company that generates great wealth," says Carlos Rubio who also referred to another great performance in the Port, the construction of a new Pier 8, and a platform next to the mouth of the Guadalmendina.
On other pending projects in the Port of Malaga such as the future Auditorium and the construction of a tower that will have hotel use in the Levante Dam, Carlos Rubio says that progress continues in the proceedings. The president says that the auditorium is considered an important element in the future plans of the Port and that they will put all the facilities to the City Council to be ceded the land for construction.
In reference to the tower of the Dique de Levante, Rubio has indicated that the proceedings for the urban modification are in their final phase, and is pending approval by the Government of its hotel use.