Because every day should be earth day
In a world were sustainability and ecotourism is at it’s peak it’s important to understand how we as individuals can contribute to a more sustainable way of travelling. Sustainable development actually means development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
By choosing the right type of hotel with good values you can go on vacation totally guilt free! link:
Basic package:
Accommodation + breakfast + Social Responsibility Activities / Teambuilding
Ask your rate to:
We have selected some of our favorite hotels around Spain, Portugal and Morocco that all work sustainably for a better tomorrow. Even though all hotels are different the one thing they have in common is their philosophy that environmentally friendly hotels should be available for everyone wherever you decide to travel.
What also makes these hotels special is that they all offer sustainable and ecofriendly activities and excursions either inside the hotel or surrounding areas.